Rekha Pai Eligible for graduation, not post graduation!!!

Rekha Pai
Victim of Unreasonable Education Policy
Rekha Pai was born in Kumta to parents who were born and brought up in Karnataka. Rekha’s father was working for the National Dairy Development Board. This being a transferable job, Rekha spent most of her childhood outside Karnataka.
In 1990, according to a Karnataka Government Order, those children born to parents who had ten years of schooling in Karnataka were to be considered to belong to Karnataka for the purpose of admission to professional colleges. Based on this rule, she secured a B Pharm seat under the government quota in College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Manipal.
After completing her B Pharm with a good grade, she applied for a government seat in M Pharm.
She had scored high marks and was called for an interview on 14-2-2000. To her utter dismay, she was refused a seat on the ground that eligibility to post graduate course required a minimum of five years of education in Karnataka. The rules under the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, which runs the Pharmacy courses, clearly mentions it. Here is an absurd situation where a student is regarded as domicile of Karnataka for undergraduate courses but not post graduate courses!