Endosulfan Disaster

1. Puttur Taluk
2. Bantwal taluk
3. Kundapur Taluk
4. Belthangady Taluk
5. Sulya Taluk
3 Districts
459 Villages
of Karnataka
How to identify Endo Victims?
Consequences of Endosulfan...
Endosulfan Documentary
History of fight against Endosulfan: -
1. 1998 - Several physically abnormal and mentally retarded children were found in Perla village of Kasaragod District of Kerala.
2. 1998 - Human Rights Protection Foundation, Udupi (HRPF) launched Research Projects on ‘Endosulfan Toxicity’ in collaboration with Pharmacology and Gynaecology departments of Kasturba Medical College, Manipal.
3. 2000 - Scientists and activists visited various districts of Karnataka and Kerala to investigate and evaluate Endosulfan disaster.
4. 2001 - More than 600 Endosulfan victims were found in 4 talukas of South Kanara District.
5. 2002 - ICMR confirms Endosulfan toxicity: Kerala High Court bans use of Endosulfan within Kerala State.
6. 2009 - HRPF, Udupi launches awareness programs on Toxic effects of Endosulfan and other pesticides throughout India.
7. 2011 - A petition was filed by HRPF in Supreme Court of India to ban Endosulfan.
8. 2012 - The apex court bans the production, distribution and use of Endosulfan throughout India.
9. 2012 - A petition was filed in the Karnataka High Court to sanction the compensation for Endosulfan victims. The High Court passes the order to compensate the victims.
2014 - All the Endosulfan victims were assessed for various disabilities. Those who had more than 25% and 60% disabilities started getting monthly pension of Rs. 2000 and Rs. 4000 respectively.